The Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame celebrates and honours those engineers from, or closely associated with, Scotland who have achieved, or deserve to achieve, greatness.
The genius and skills of many engineers from or associated with Scotland have contributed hugely to the wellbeing of the world today, in all fields of engineering. This site will give you some insights into these outstanding individuals.
Four new inductees were announced at the James Watt Dinner on Friday 4th October:
David Boswell Reid (1805-1863)
Sir Alfred Yarrow (1842-1932)
Dr David Milne (b 1942)
Prof Sir Jim McDonald (b 1957)
Sir Jim McDonald
Electrical engineer, educator and government adviser. President of Royal Academy of Engineering 2019-24
Dr David Milne
Co-founder of Scotland's first university spin-out which became a highly successful micro-electronics company
David Boswell Reid
Building services engineer and researcher. "The grandfather of air-conditioning"
Sir Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
Founder of a great shipbuilding dynasty on the Clyde
Message from Fergus Ewing MSP at the launch of the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame in 2011
“Scotland has a long and proud tradition of science and engineering excellence. I am pleased to offer my personal support in your efforts to inspire the next generation of young people to consider engineering as a credible and valuable career choice. While it is important to celebrate the great achievements made by Scottish engineers in the past, it is also vital that the contribution of those working today at the forefront of engineering is also recognised.
Improving science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education, in line with Curriculum for Excellence, is a key priority for the Scottish Government. Through changes in learning, teaching and leadership in schools, the curriculum and other changes now being put in place will provide new and creative opportunities to make STEM education more rewarding, stimulating and attractive for all young people.”
Fergus Ewing MSP
Minister for Business, Energy and Tourism (May 2011–May 2016)