Dr David Milne
Born 1942
Co-founder of Scotland's first university spin-out which became a highly successful micro-electronics company
Engineering Achievements
David Milne was recruited to the Scottish Microelectronics Institute in the University of Edinburgh becoming its Director at the age of 31. This was to become the first successful spin-out from a Scottish University and the second to be listed on the London stock exchange - as Wolfson Microelectronics plc. With his co-founder Jim Reid he developed world-leading digital consumer electronics components selling into the top brands of mobile phones, tablets, hi-fi systems, televisions, sat-navs, video games and much else.
He was voted Entrepreneur of the year in 2003 and 2006, Scottish CEO of the year in 2006 and TechMark Personality of the Year in 2006. He also received the Third Millennium Medal for Outstanding Achievements and Contributions from the US Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Wolfson Microelectronics was nominated as the best new company to join the London market in 2004 and won the Best Technology Award for a British plc in 2005. It has also received two Queen’s awards for innovation and export. He was awarded the RSE Royal Medal in 2012.
His Life
1942 Born in Edinburgh, Scotland
1965 Age: 23 Graduated: Heriot Watt University BSc (Hons) Applied Physics
1967 Age: 25 Graduated: University of Bristol. MSc Physics of Materials
1968 Age: 26 Graduated: University of Bristol. PhD Dynamic X-Ray wavefield physics
1970 Age: 28 Research Fellow Wolfson Microelectronics Institute, University of Edinburgh
1973 Age: 31 Director Wolfson Microelectronics Institute, University of Edinburgh
1981 Age: 41 Founded InMap, a technology marketing company. Director Caledonian Applied Technology
1984 Age: 42 Appointed Senior member IEEE. Awarded OBE for services to Industry and Education
1985 Age: 43 Founder and CEO of Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd
1988 Age: 46 Honorary Professor of Electronics, University of Edinburgh
1991 Age: 49 Elected Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh
1992 Age: 50 Appointed Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (Now IET)
1995 Age: 53 Vice President of Royal Society of Edinburgh
2000 Age: 58 Awarded IEEE Third Millenium Medal
2002 Age: 60 Elected Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
2003 Age: 61 Floated Wolfson on Main Market, London Stock Exchange
2006 Age: 64 Named CEO of Year, Scottish PLC Awards
2007 Age: 65 Awarded Doctor of Engineering (Hon), University of Bristol; Awarded Doctor of Science (Hon), Heriot Watt University
2008 Age: 66 Awarded Doctor of Science (Hon), University of Edinburgh; Chairman Edinburgh Science Festival; Chairman Elonics Ltd; Founder member, Reform Scotland; Chairman James Clerk Maxwell Foundation
2012 Age: 70 Awarded RSE Royal Medal
2024 Age: 81 Inducted into Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame on 4 October
2024 Age: 81 Honorary Fellow of Institution of Engineers in Scotland
His Legacy
In his acceptance speech on being inducted to the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame, David said that his overriding satisfaction is with the continuing eco system of microelectronics engineering that has been created in the local community and Scotland more widely. Much of the inward investment of international manufacturing companies has evaporated as they failed to establish product ownership locally. At a rough assessment there are now about 1000 former Wolfson engineers working in the microelectronics ecosystem in Edinburgh with others running significant companies further afield.
David Milne is a key leader and influencer in the digital revolution.
More Information
Download David Milne's Acceptance Speech on being inducted to the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame, James Watt Dinner, 4 October 2024